The crazy thing about learning to surf is that it's one of the most adrenaline-pumping experiences you can ever have, but there also is a certain fear when exiting the safety pole. I can remember my first time trying to stand on the board. I was nervous, excited and a little scared all at once. But trust me once you get used to surfing, there's nothing like catching a wave. No matter if you are beginning or looking for a relearner, here are some basic surfing ideas that all starters should know to make your time in the water as effective and enjoyable as possible.
Surfing Tips 1. Choose the Right Surfboard
This is the case for all surfers beginning: board selection is crucial to gaining an edge. If you are like me, you might think initially to go Thailand right off the bat with a longboard that is narrow and sleek, "That's the way to look cooler." But as it turns out this is a mistake. Bigger is better for beginners. Starting with wide boards and thick rails will give you a fighting chance to succeed; furthermore, There is a bigger target on them to help keep beginners from keeling over too early. The last thing you want to do is spend your initial session doing nothing but wiping out! You can only afford to do this for bolder looks once you get the hang of walking with them "That's what the surfers were saying to me," he said in playful annoyance with me.
2. Get Comfortable in the Water
Before thinking about hopping on a surfboard, ensure you’re comfortable in the ocean. You’ll be spending a lot of time in the water, so knowing how to swim and feeling relaxed when waves hit you are must-have skills.
When I first started, I spent hours just floating in the water, letting the waves wash over me. This helped me learn how the ocean moves and how to stay calm when a wave knocks me over. Remember, the ocean is powerful, so the more you respect it and feel at home in it, the better your surfing experience will be.
Want to learn how to improve your ocean skills and confidence? You can book surf lessons online and get expert guidance from local pros who understand the tides and currents.
Book your surf lessons here and start with the basics!
3. Master the Pop-Up
One of the first skills you’ll need to master is the pop-up—the move where you go from lying on your board to standing up. It sounds simple, but it can take a lot of practice to get right. When I was learning, I practiced my pop-up on the sand for hours before even getting into the water. Start by lying on your stomach with your hands placed next to your chest, then push yourself up in one smooth motion and quickly place your feet under you. Your feet should land shoulder-width apart for balance. Practicing on land will help build the muscle memory you’ll need to do this smoothly when you’re on your board in the water.
And don’t worry if it takes a while to get the hang of it—everyone falls at first! But keep practicing and soon you’ll be popping up like a pro.
4. Start in Small Waves
When you are just beginning, small waves will help you out. Great waves can be very enticing but that are not easy especially for first time surfers and can even be risky if one does not know how to handle himself.
From the initial times I took to the bar, I was wrong to attempt charging large waves while my body was still learning how to operate. Well, let’s just say, the ocean taught me a lesson or two in literally five minutes! One is always assured of a good catch in small waves as opposed to the bigger ones which may lead to even getting wiped off the face of the sandy beach.
I discovered that the best places for novices are areas where the waves come ashore gently and where they break. You will also not want to use many people practicing on a similar site as you until you have learned how to ride on the beach.
In search of good first-timer surfing sites with a shuttle to the beach? At Surf Lessons Bali clients are offered surfing lessons with transport and guiding to the right wave for each of them. Check it out here.
5. Practice Your Paddling
A lot therefore depends on the kind of paddling that one can perform in order to catch those waves. New to the hobby you may be shocked at just how exhausted it can be! At first, I would have considered getting to your feet to be the most daunting task when surfing only to find out that paddling really tires you out.
It’s not only your legs that must be strong and stable since most of the time will consist of paddling out to catch waves. So to paddle one has to maintain his or her balance on the board at all times while using long slow strokes to propel the board through the water. Do not use short chop movements, they won't take you far anyway and you will be tired before you know it.
One tip I learned that made a huge difference: oh, by the way, do not forget to watch where you are moving to! Yes, it may be evident but it appears that as much as a surfer tries to watch the waves, he or she may find him or herself paddling instead. Nonetheless, a swimmer should always keep focus on the distance or horizon to swum in line with the waves.
6. Learn to Fall Safely
However, one of the most important tips lets you try not to fail: you must know how to fall. Coming off the board is in surfing and you are going to do it often especially when you are a beginner. Thus, being able to fall in a fashion that has minimal danger to the body is the best thing that one can do.
During the impulsive moments choose to fall flat on the water rather than going for the head-first dive. That will help you not hit your head on the board or on the seafloor. To ensure you are safe from the board you have to always use your arms to cover your head whenever you fall.
I’ve however fallen a few times but fortunately not too dangerous times thanks to these preventive measures. As you may have heard, the steeper you are the wiser you become!
7. Be Patient and Have Fun
It does not take a day to learn surfing and it is quite disappointing the first time one tries it and nothing turns out as planned. But remember everyone has to fail before they get it right on the second time, or the third time.. I remember when I was learning the trick I was so busy laughing at my own self each time I fell off. And the best thing is – the more you let it be rather easy and playful and enjoy the process – the quicker you will progress.
Well, surfing can not be boring as majority of people practice it while looking for information to read or while relaxing, Right? Sometimes it is best to take petite victories such as when you attempt to stand or when you are on a small wave all the way to the beach. It is going to be those moments that will make you come for more.
But if you ever require some pointers or encouragement, it is always advisable to consult experienced tutors who are more than willing to assist you throughout the process. Contact Surf Lessons Bali to schedule a lesson and start your surfing adventure today!
Final Thoughts
I could not agree more with that as surfing is really a wonderful kind of sport that pretty much includes you in the great world of nature. It requires skills, effort and time to achieve but they are very much worth the effort. And if you have the proper mental attitude, the proper board, and the proper pointers as we’ve shared above, you will surely be catching those waves soon!
If you have decided to enroll in the novice’s class and start your surfing experience, Bali is among the provisions of the beginners’ surf schools. Whether it is expert lessons or versatile beautiful spots to surf, Surf Lessons Bali can provide you with everything. Well then what are you waiting for? Grab your board and let's go to the water!